Ordering your life takes time? God’s plan for your life is so awesome, 80...
Prioritize your relationship? I spoke in Ghana to a group of CEOs, politicians, and...
Have patience with the process? I don’t like process or anything that has drawn-out...
Respect steps, establish order? Establishing order in your life is essential preparation for Destiny....
Prioritize your finance? The journey to Destiny includes every part of your life, especially...
You can’t win just playing offense? People who are tuned in to the fact...
Acquire the skill of guiltless prioritization? Destiny is a deliberate pursuit. To position yourself...
Flexibility keeps you from breaking? Some people have no problem prioritizing and setting their...
Prioritize what’s important for you to fulfill your destiny? It’s miserable living someone else’s...
Cultivate a great mind and leave behind small thinking? If you don’t prioritize your...