March 16, 2025
Phil Wickham - This Is Amazing Grace & The King Is In The Room Meaning

Phil Wickham – This Is Amazing Grace Meaning

For the fact that you’re a believer and you’re no more who you were some years back, is something to appreciate God for.

Also, when you remembered how God transformed you and gave you a second chance, you have to agree with me that it’s only by His grace.

My dear reader, God is saying to you today; “Don’t go backwards, that’s what the enemy wants you to do. Your future will be greater than your past. Your past was just preparation for your future. I’m with you, keep moving forward. Things are better for you up ahead.” Just trust in His promises.

However, “This Is Amazing Grace” by Phil Wickham, an American talented gospel singer and songwriter.

This song is all about how incredible God’s love and grace are. It’s a song of praise, celebrating what Jesus has done for us, how He gave His life to save us and set us free. 

As a Christian, you know how sometimes people do something so kind and unexpected that it completely amazes you?

That’s the feeling behind this song, but on a much bigger level. It’s saying, “God, Your grace is beyond anything I could ever imagine. I don’t deserve it, but You still gave it to me.”

The song describes God as powerful and mighty. It talks about how He created the world, defeated darkness and rules over everything with love and justice.

But even though He is so great, He still cares deeply for us. That’s what makes His grace so amazing, it’s the fact that the all-powerful God would choose to love, save, and forgive us. 

As for me, the message in this song is victory. It reminds us that Jesus didn’t just die, He rose again, defeating sin and death.

Because of Him, we don’t have to live in fear or guilt anymore. We are free and we can live with joy, knowing that God is always with us. 

In summary, “This Is Amazing Grace” is a song of worship and thankfulness. It reminds us of how much God loves us and how much He has done for us.

Therefore, if you ever feel like you’re not good enough or like you need hope, this song is a reminder that God’s grace is always enough. He has already won the victory and we can rest in His amazing love.

Phil Wickham – The King Is In The Room

What a privilege to have a royalty in your midst. The Bible made us to know that where two or more gather in the name of the LORD, that He’s there with them.

God was with Meshach, Shedrach and Abednego, just because when they were thrown into the lake of burning fire by king Nebuchadnezzar, they were there worshipping God with the sincerity of their hearts.

When the King, Jesus Christ, is in the room, sickness, tears, sorrows, barrenness, infirmities, the devil and his cohorts are destroyed. Light and darkness has no connection.

Hence, allow the King of kings to be in that room (in your life, business, family and workplace) and when you do, victory is yours.

With that being said, “The King Is In The Room” by Phil Wickham is all about recognizing that God’s presence is with us and that when He is near, everything changes. It’s a song of worship, full of awe and reverence for who God is. 

This song describes God as holy and powerful. It reminds us that He isn’t just some distant figure but is close to us.

When we truly understand that God is in the room, we can’t help but worship Him. The song encourages us to respond with reverence, surrender and gratitude because being in God’s presence is the greatest privilege we could ever have. 

One of the core messages in this song is transformation. It talks about how God’s presence can bring healing, restoration, and peace.

When we worship Him and acknowledge that He is near, our hearts are filled with hope and faith. Whatever we are going through, knowing that God is with us gives us strength. 

In all, “The King Is In The Room” is a reminder that God is not far away, He is here, right now, with us. When we truly believe that, our perspective changes.

We worship with more passion, we trust Him more and we experience His presence in a real way. If you ever feel distant from God, this song is a beautiful way to refocus and remind yourself that He is always near, ready to move in your life. Hallelujah!!!!

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