March 14, 2025
SEPH SCHLUETER - Counting My Blessings

I was ina church service last month when the preacher requested for the choir members to sing Hymms. The choir leader choosed a very hymm that touched my soul for God.

The hymm narrates why we should count our blessings and see what the LORD Has done in our lives. I know since this very year, the Lord Has saved you plans of the enemies, from accidents, He has healed you from that infirmities, provided for you and your families, even guided out of troubles that would have consumed you.

My dear reader, count your blessings, name them one by one and you will definitely see what the good LORD Has done.

“Counting My Blessings” by Seph Schlueter, an American multiple award winning gospel singer, is a song about looking at our lives and realizing how much God has done for us.

It reminds us to be grateful, even for the small things, because when we stop and think about it, we have so many reasons to thank God. 

As a believer, you know how sometimes life feels overwhelming? Maybe things aren’t going the way you planned or you’re facing struggles that make it hard to stay positive.

This song encourages us to shift our focus, not on what’s going wrong but on what’s going right. Instead of stressing over what we don’t have, we should take a moment to count all the ways God has blessed us. 

The lyrics as well talk about how God is always there, providing, protecting and guiding us. Even when life is tough, we can still find blessings if we look closely.

It could be as simple as having food to eat, a roof over our heads or people who love us. Sometimes, we take these things for granted but this song reminds us that they are all gifts from God. 

Another powerful message in this song is that God’s goodness is constant. Even when we don’t feel it or when life gets difficult, His love and faithfulness never change.

That’s why this song isn’t just about listing blessings but it’s about recognizing that God is the greatest blessing of all. 

I know, it’s easy to focus on what’s missing in our lives, but “Counting My Blessings” reminds us that gratitude changes everything. When we thank God for what we have, we feel more joyful, hopeful and at peace. 

With that being said my dear, when you listen to this song, let it be a reminder to pause and thank God for the big and small things in your life.

No matter what you’re going through, there’s always something to be grateful for and that’s a reason to keep counting your blessings. Drop your thout below….

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