Respect steps, establish order? Establishing order in your life is essential preparation for Destiny. Once you set your order, you will awaken each day determined to engage those principles to pursue your purpose.
You will wake up focused because you have an agenda. When you wake up with a reason for being, you have the drive to get up and try all over again if necessary and not worry about what happened yesterday.
Setbacks won’t cause you to drop out of the game. Disappointments won’t cause you to stay in bed with the covers pulled over your head. Your destiny is a daily call to get up and get back in the game.
When your life is ordered, setbacks and disappointments are regarded as commas and not periods that punctuate your life story.
Each day is a new opportunity to live your dream when your life is ordered for Destiny. Maybe you haven’t arrived there yet, but every step you take toward it is still living your dream.
You’re not the New York Times best-selling author yet, but writing for a local community paper is still living your dream as you gain the skills you need.
You’re not the owner of your own trendy clothing boutique yet, but the classes you’re taking in fashion merchandising are steering you in the direction of Destiny.
Day by day and step by step you stay on task, especially when times are tough. When we live in pursuit of Destiny, each step positions us closer and closer.
Don’t look at how far away you are. Respect the journey you’re on because it will take you higher if you stick with it.
Respect the sacrifices you’re making now because they will help you appreciate your accomplishments. You will look back over your hardships and respect, and yes, even admire the person you were along the journey.
You can look back at the person who endured all the adversity life threw at you but kept moving forward, and encourage others to stay the course, to Destiny.
You will have confidence in yourself and contentment with life because you know you are in the place where you belong.
When I was young, my mother and father went into a very nice store in Charleston, West Virginia, called Goldfarb that sold light fixtures.
My family was, as the young people say, “on the come up, and they were decorating a house we had just built.
My mother had looked among all the finery exhibited and identified a very exquisite set of lamps that she adored.
They were on sale at a great price and my mother really wanted the lamps. My father inquired about purchasing them only to find out that they were on hold for another customer.
I saw disappointment glaze my mother’s eyes and cascade down her jawline into a grimace. I assumed it was prudent either to leave or settle for something else. Instead, my father said, “I’ll wait!”
I thought, “Wait for what?” “If that customer doesn’t return,” he said, “I want them.” He sat down in that store and waited all day!
By five o’clock that evening, the customer hadn’t returned and my father bought the lamps. As lovely as the lamps were, what illuminated my soul was what can happen if you are tenaciously in orderly pursuit of what you want.
Respect steps, establish order? Share your thought below…