March 14, 2025
Imbalances In Our Lives Can Create Frustration

Imbalances in our lives can create frustration? Life is about balance. We have joy and sorrow. Inevitably there are highs and lows.

As we give to others and help them enhance their lives, we must not neglect to feed ourselves. As flight attendants tell us, we must first put our own mask on before attempting to help someone else.

Sometimes we are the one needing to put a mask on someone else. At other times, we may need someone to put the mask on us.

How frustrating would it be to sit on an airplane that has lost cabin pressure and have no oxygen mask? You have helped a half dozen people get their masks on, and now you need help but there’s no one.

You need someone to put your mask on for you, but if no is willing to help, what can you do? You would be extremely frustrated watching everyone else calmly seated, breathing while you gasp for air because no one helped you.

Think about how you feel when you’re constantly giving. For a while, you feel rewarded because you have the joy of helping someone else.

But after a while, you get back in tune with your own needs, “What about me?” you may ask. As you give and give of yourself, it’s important to refuel by spending time with people who can pour into you.

If you’re always the giver and someone else is always the receiver, you’re bound to become, frustrated.

Conversely, if you’re always the receiver, you’re still bound to be frustrated because there is no balance in the relationship.

The best associations are those that provide balance through sharing. Just like in a marriage, sometimes you are the one who encourages, while at other times you are the one who needs to be encouraged, believed in, and lauded with honour.

Look at the areas of your life that cause you frustration. Discover the inequity that lies within and determine whether you can do something to resolve it.

If it’s your finances, figure out how to achieve balance through greater income or fewer expenditures. If you’re dissatisfied in your relationships, look for areas of inequity to determine whether the relationships can be improved or whether they are terminally unequal.

When you make a conscious decision to have balance in your life, you systematically eliminate the potential for frustration and misery.

Imbalances in our lives can create frustration? Share your thought below….

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