March 14, 2025
Get Inspired By People Who Help You Spiral Up

Get inspired by people who help you spiral up? Think about how many devices have been created in the last hundred years versus the previous thousand years.

Think about how many inventions exist today that were not even conceived of when you were born. Their potential to be was always there, ‘but someone had to envision it.

Someone had to look into the piles and piles of sawdust lying around in sawmills and see the creation of particleboard or fire-starter logs.

Johannes Gutenberg had to see a machine that could print pages of text en masse and invent the printing press.

Your journey to your vision is no different. God created you with the raw materials you need to reach your destiny.

What may be lacking in your life is a blueprint or design to pull together the raw materials inside you in the masterpiece of your life.

Whenever you’re tempted to think of yourself as incapable or inadequate, remember that the ingredients you need are already inside you.

Have you ever noticed that inventions seem to feed off each other? As a new gadget is invented, someone is inspired by that invention to create something more.

Today, almost everyone has an electronic tablet or a smartphone—from grammar school students to grandmas.

These powerful personal electronic devices were unthinkable just two decades ago. In the 1990s, we were still fascinated with laptop computers, which were inspired by the popularity and growing demand for personal computers.

Each later invention was inspired by a previous one, each new invention expanding in capacity and capability from its predecessor.

In the same way, people can be inspired by other people to do more and be more. Greatness inspires greatness. Creativity inspires creativity.

When you align yourself with people who inspire you and help draw out the best in you, you find your best self.

We read the words of those who inspire us. We watch their lives and model their behavior. But let’s not be misguided into thinking that they give us the power to produce.

Oh, no, they do not! Some think that emulating those we admire makes us more effective and guarantees the result they exhibit.

The goal is not to duplicate someone else’s greatness or purpose, destiny or creativity.

We want to be successful at being uniquely original. Isn’t that a liberating idea? Just think: the freedom to be in competition only with your own gifts and abilities.

Too many people measure themselves by someone else’s destiny. Consequently, they lead miserable existences, constantly ashamed that what others do requires them to reinvent themselves in order to compete.

If you ascribe to your uniqueness, you will build alliances with those who can help unearth your treasure and avoid the perpetual failure of attempting to be someone or something that you are truly not!

The most those who inspire us can do is cause what is inherently within us to spiral up. That is the definition of inspiration in its purest form.

It causes what’s within to spiral upward. It is important that we have sources that inspire us as we inspire others.

As we fill others with hope and encouragement, we need those who cause us to spiral upward as well. Remember, no matter how productive our lives have been, there is always something higher to reach toward.

Inspiration is critical to Destiny. You will benefit greatly from associating with other people who have a vision for their lives and want to pursue that vision.

Get inspired by people who help you spiral up? Share your thought below…….

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