Casting Crowns – Here’s My Heart Meaning
Believers doesn’t need to come to God like someone else rather we have to come to Hime like we are. There is something that makes us to come before the alter of the most High.
We should come with an open heart in order to receive His fatherly blessing and healing. Here’s is my heart lord, use me as your instrument for those that needs you. Forgive me of my sins so that I will have confidence coming before your presence.
Here’s is my broken heart and dejected spirit, save my soul so that I will live to declare the goodness of the LORD here on earth. You’re all I have LORD.
Casting Crowns dropped this soul-lifting song titled “Here’s My Heart.” This song is all about surrendering your heart to God and trusting Him completely.
It’s like you saying, “God, I give You everything, my thoughts, my worries, my life because I know You are the only one who truly understands me.”
One of the inspiring messages in this song is that God’s voice is the only one that matters. In life, we hear so many voices, people’s opinions, negative thoughts, doubts and fears.
But this song reminds us that God’s truth is what we should listen to. He tells us that we are loved, chosen, and never alone.
This song also talks about how God is our strength and protector. Sometimes, we feel weak, lost, or afraid but God is always there to lift us up, guide us, and remind us that we are His.
Another important part of the song is identity. It reminds us that we are not defined by our mistakes, failures or what others think of us.
Instead, we are defined by God’s love. He calls us His children, His beloved, and His creation. This song is a kind of personal prayer, a moment of being honest with God and telling Him, “Take my heart, lead me and let me follow You.”
With that said, no matter what you’re going through, have in mind that God is listening, He loves you and He will never leave you. Just give Him your heart and He will take care of the rest. AMEN!!!
Casting Crowns – Nobody ft. Matthew West Meaning
Oh! God, for the fact that you choosed and showed me mercy, a sinner who is not worthy, is a mystery. You took nobody like me and placed me in an echelon position, is something I can’t explain.
All my life, I have been told that I’m going to make it or the see the light of the day, just because I came from a poor family background.
But God, defile their intentions over my life and gave the grace to succeed in after many years of suffering and gnashing of teeth.
You made a nobody to be somebody, God with that alone, I’m ever grateful for your mercy and grace upon my life. Without you LORD, no one else would’ve choosen a nobody like me for something better.
Well, let explain in details the meaning of “Nobody” by Casting Crowns featuring Matthew West.
Casting Crowns is a contemporary Christian and Christian rock band which began in Florida, while Matthew Joseph West is an American talented contemporary Christian musician, singer & songwriter.
This song is about staying humble and giving all the glory to God. It reminds us that we are just ordinary people but when God works through us, we can do amazing things. It’s not about us, it’s all about Him.
This song starts by talking about how, in the world’s eyes, we might seem like “nobodies”, just regular people who aren’t famous or important.
But the truth is, God loves to use ordinary people to do extraordinary things. If you look at the Bible, God used simple people like fishermen, shepherds and even people who had messed up in life to accomplish His plans.
As for me, one of the important messages in the song is humility. No doubt about this! The singers (Casting Crown & Matthew West) aren’t looking for fame or recognition.
They don’t want people to praise them, rather they want people to see Jesus through them. It’s like saying, “I don’t care if people know my name, I just want them to know Jesus.”
Another powerful message in this song is that God can use anyone, like I mentioned earlier. You don’t have to be perfect, rich or well-known.
If you are willing, God is ready to use you to spread His love, help others and share His message.
In addition, this song also reminds us of the story of John the Baptist. He had a mission, to prepare the way for Jesus Christ.
But he never wanted attention for himself. He always pointed people to Jesus. That’s the same attitude this song is talking about—living in a way that leads others to God, not to ourselves.
In conclusion, this powerful ministration reminds us that you don’t have to be famous or perfect for God to use you.
God chooses the humble, meek, the ordinary and the ones who are willing. Therefore, if you give your life to Him, He will work through you in ways you never imagined.
Remember, you’re nobody before God made you somebody. Hallelujah!!