March 14, 2025
You Can’t Win Just Playing Offense

You can’t win just playing offense? People who are tuned in to the fact that they have Destiny purpose are not malicious in their pursuit.

Each of us has a divinely appointed destiny, and we don’t have to fight offensively a to attain it. Along your journey to Destiny, you will face challenges and struggles, but people don’t experience true success in life by going on the offensive to fight their way ahead.

Championship football teams have effective offensive and defensive players. They require a balance, depending on the strengths of the other team.

You will fight defensively against circumstances that can discourage or defeat you. You may duke it out with situations that threaten to bring you down. But if you are determined, you will not be defeated. It’s not easy living your life aimed at Destiny.

I’ve had to do some fighting. I’ve fought my way against the odds. I fought to get to work despite hindrances like not having gas money or having a broken-down vehicle.

I’ve fought to keep standing up when life tried to bring me down. I’ve fought to love and be loved. I’ve fought to get out of bed in the morning some days when it seemed like I couldn’t endure my present circumstances.

 I’ve fought to live when circumstances predicted I should die. I’ve fought my doubts and my fears. I’ve fought my insecurities. I’ve fought haters and instigators, liars and betrayers.

I’ve fought with family. There have even been times when I lay in bed, unable to sleep because I was fighting with myself! I’ve fought a good fight.

You engage in a good fight when you must beat the odds because you are determined to live in Destiny. The person who quits after a setback is not Destiny-bound.

These people are afraid, so they pass up opportunities. They don’t want to get knocked down again, so they back down.

Maybe you always wanted to be a veterinarian but flunked Biology 101. Maybe you’ve always wanted a catering business but your first client ended up taking you to small claims court.

There will always be challenges and setbacks, and no one is immune to a slip and fall on the journey to Destiny.

Get back up and try again! Don’t settle for the least out of life because you think you’re not strong enough to get back up and try again.

Albert Einstein, the twentieth-century theoretical physicist, endured some setbacks. His parents were concerned that he was mentally challenged during his developmental years.

When he applied for early admission into the Swiss Federal Polytechnical School, he failed everything except the math and science sections of the test.

Einstein had to go to a trade school for a year before he was eligible to take the exam again and be admitted to school.

If the man who remains the present-day standard of genius had intellectual and educational setbacks and got back up, why can’t you?

When Radio One CEO Cathy Hughes and her husband divorced, she bought his share of the radio station they had purchased.

Times got hard for Hughes, and for a while she was forced to give up her apartment and live at the station office to make ends meet.

But she kept at it. Today, her company is the largest black-owned radio chain in America. Radio One also owns a successful cable channel.

Hughes is the first African American woman to head a firm that is publicly traded on a stock exchange in the United States.

People like Einstein and Hughes succeed because they refuse to let lost battles push them out of their pursuit of Destiny.

Success comes to those who get back up again and again because they are determined and unstoppable. They get back up and enroll for another semester, even after an academic setback.

They get back up after a marital challenge and go to counseling to work out their issues. They get back up after a bankruptcy and get their finances in order.

They get back up after a miscarriage and conceive again, adopt, or find other fulfillment for their parental instincts.

They get back up after a prison sentence and find a legitimate means of pursuing their quality of life. They get back up after a broken trust and still believe in the goodness of humanity.

Destiny is a journey, and you will fall down a few times, and maybe even more. The key that opens the door to Destiny is your willingness to get back up after delay, disappointment, or even disaster.

They say that the mighty oak tree, which can grow up to eighty feet tall and a hundred feet wide, is nothing but a nut that refused to give up its ground.

The acorn, which rarely gets larger than two inches tall, has the capacity to grow to nearly a thousand times its size!

How tall can you grow? People who are determined to pursue Destiny sometimes look crazy to other people. You may look like an absolute nut to other people because you are unwilling to quit.

They say, “You’re going to try again? Even after what happened before?” Yes, even after what happened before, and before that, and before that!

You can’t let other people determine how far you are willing to go to reach Destiny because it’s simply not their call. They don’t get it, so don’t worry about them!

Be the nut who won’t give up ground, because every day teaches you something. Every day is a teacher that brings you new skills, new experiences, and new exposure.

Get back up, because there is much to learn in pursuit of Destiny. The drive to get up and try again gives you experience and teaches you skills that will help you reach your destiny.

You have to be equipped with the skills and expertise necessary to position you toward your destiny.

Sometimes the skills you gain in your pursuit of Destiny have more to do with building character and internal fortitude than with a particular skill set.

You may learn the patience and attention to detail needed to run a specialty company while working in a menial entry-level job.

I know from personal experience that nothing you have been through will be wasted. All you have been exposed to and all that you have experienced are in the repository that builds your future.

You never know what tidbit of information or seemingly insignificant experience will become the bedrock of your destiny.

You can’t win just playing offense? Share your thoughts below…

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