March 14, 2025
Prioritize what’s important for you to fulfill your destiny

Prioritize what’s important for you to fulfill your destiny? It’s miserable living someone else’s life, and it is downright suffocating to live beneath your potential.

There is no reward in achieving someone else’s plans for your life, yet people will constantly try to suck you into their agenda.

Other people always have an opinion about what you should do with your life. Your mother may think you should teach school because that’s a vocation that represents a steady paycheck.

Your father may nag you about going to medical school because you earned good grades in science.

Your best friend thinks you should open a day care because you’re good with children. Your grandmother tells you to start a newspaper because you are a good writer.

All of those vocations are great and the service they give to humanity is quite valuable. The problem is that if the vocation is not reflective of your destiny, it’s no good.

Believe it or not, some have never been allowed to prioritize their own lives.

There’s a son who longs to sculpt, but because his parents are both PhDs, they use parental pressure to steer him to a vocation that is more palatable to them.

There’s a daughter who loves cars and dreams of being a master mechanic, but her boyfriend has discouraged her because he doesn’t think it’, suitable work for a woman.

Set your priorities for Destiny and forget about what other people want for you, no matter how well-meaning their intentions.

Only you can have the vision for your life, so only you can determine what’s most important to getting there.

Other people may not understand or respect the sacrifices you choose to make on your way to Destiny, but don’t ever let that stop you.

Your choices won’t make sense to anyone else because they can’t see what you can see. They don’t know where you’re going.

Sometimes your choices won’t even make sense to the people you love most, but those who truly love you will respect your priorities, even if they don’t understand them.

Your priorities confirm where you’re headed because everything you do will be in support of your destination.

A person who has priorities will drive an older or a cheaper car, will forgo designer label clothing, and will pass up the latest model of an electronic device if she has a dream that requires keeping tight control on her finances.

When a young man’s priorities are in place, he will skip going to shoot some hoops with his buddies in order to spend an extra hour on a school project.

A woman will pass on that vacation with the girls because her fiancé wants her to go to his family reunion.

A man will stay on the job that will give him the training he needs for a sustainable future rather than take a higher-paying dead-end job.

A couple will opt for a less expensive wedding in order to have more money for a substantial down payment on their new house.

People who are living life on purpose have priorities and tend to get more out of life. They are happier, even in difficult times, because they have a reason to exist.

They know why they’ve made certain choices, so they don’t feel like victims for living a less-than-impressive lifestyle.

They live in pursuit of Destiny rather than in pursuit of other people’s approval.

Prioritize what’s important for you to fulfill your destiny? Share your thought below…..

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