March 14, 2025
Cultivate A Great Mind And Leave Behind Small Thinking

Cultivate a great mind and leave behind small thinking? If you don’t prioritize your life and the things that are important to you, you’ll get off focus and start investing your energy in trivial matters like who lied to you, who’s gossiping about you, or who’s gossiping about someone else.

America’s former first lady Eleanor Roosevelt observed that “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.”

You are the one who determines your thoughts. You are the one who determines the issues that are worthy of your time. You have the power to push aside pettiness in pursuit of greatness.

Your destiny is greatness. Pettiness and greatness cannot occupy the same space. Don’t block Destiny opportunities from manifesting in your life because you’re prioritizing minor issues.

If your aunt and your cousin are fighting again, let them work out their own problems because Destiny is calling you!

If your neighbor refuses to abide by the rules of your homeowners association, let it go. Destiny is calling you. If your sourpuss employee does a good job, let it go.

As long as she’s not dealing with the public, the fact that she doesn’t have a bubbly personality is a minor issue.

 If someone you were depending on backs out of a business deal, don’t spend a lot of time figuring out why. That’s minor. You need to be looking for a new partner. That’s major.

Greatness runs deep, but pettiness runs shallow and wide. Petty thinking is a fast-moving carcinogen that will spread itself over the greatness in you and eat away at your potential for growth.

Stop allowing minor thoughts to occupy your mind; they’re not paying rent to reside there! Reserve your strength for the difficult matters of arriving at Destiny.

There’s some stuff you just leave alone. You don’t fix every problem that comes across your radar. You don’t try to straighten out every dispute that comes before you.

Don’t chase down every rumor. If people are gossiping about you, let them talk, because the people who are talking negatively about you don’t matter.

It is dangerous to let minor matters become priorities because when major things happen, you won’t have the strength and fortitude needed to deal with what’s important.

Save your strength and don’t toss and turn at night over minor issues. Don’t dredge up negative experiences and expend mental energy ruminating over them.

 Don’t worry about why that person didn’t speak to you, why they lied to you, why they didn’t invite you to their event. Reserve your energy for your highest and best use!

If you are ever to connect with Destiny, you must develop the art of handling minor issues appropriately. Many things happen at the Potter’s House that I never even know about.

My staff knows not to tell me because they know I’ll get involved in it and try to figure out a solution. I’m glad I have a capable staff that can handle the day-to-day issues that crop up.

They know that my time is limited and I can’t afford to get distracted by minor problems. But that means something else, too.

We hire smart people at the Potter’s House. I can’t hire limited thinkers. I can’t hire mediocre people whom I’m smarter than so they can make me feel superior.

No, I have to hire people who are smarter than me at what they do so I can walk away knowing those people can be trusted to do the job.

I’ve known managers, CEOs, and company owners who get intimidated by people who are smarter than they are.

They hire persons of mediocre or very average capability so they will always feel like they’re on top. Hiring smart people makes me feel like I’m on top because I can focus on the tasks that are uniquely mine to accomplish.

I don’t have to worry about having enough toner for the copy machine or what time the bank deposit got there. 1 have prioritized and determined that my time is best spent on my destiny, not on keeping track of what everyone else is doing.

Cultivate a great mind and leave behind small thinking? Share your thought below….

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