The Battle Is the Lord’s – Yolanda Adams Meaning
You won’t know that the battle doesn’t belong to you untill you lost all the battles when you pushed God aside and trying to do it alone. The word of God, Bible, made us to know that all battles belong to God.
If you want to win and overcome all the challenges of life, then you have to hand over every battle to God almighty to fight for you and grant you victory. Remember, with God, ALL THINGS are possible.
“The Battle Is the Lord’s” is a powerful and soul-lifting gospel song by talented gospel singer, worship leader and songwriter, Yolanda Adams.
However, “The Battle Is the Lord’s” is a powerful Christian song about trusting God in difficult times. It reminds us that we don’t have to fight life’s struggles alone because God is in control.
In all, Yolanda Adams encourages faith, strength and surrender, knowing fully well that victory belongs to God alone and not us.
[Verse 1]
There is no pain Jesus can’t feel
No hurt He cannot heal
All things work according to His perfect will
No matter what you’re going through
Remember God is using You
For the battle is not yours, it’s the Lord’s
[Verse 2]
There’s no sadness Jesus can’t feel
And there is no sorrow that He cannot heal
For all things work according to the Master’s holy will
No matter what you’re going through
Remember that God is only using you
For this battle is not yours, it’s the Lord’s
It’s the Lord’s, yes, it’s the Lord’s
Hold your head up high
Don’t your fret, it’s the Lord’s
It’s the Lord’s, yes, it’s the Lord’s
No matter what you’re going through
Remember that God only wants to use you
No matter what you happen to go through right now
Remember that in the midst of it all
God only wants to use you
No matter what it is, you’re going through
Hold your head up, stick your chest out
And remember He’s using you
For this battle is not yours alone
This battle is not yours, no
You cannot handle it all by yourself, no, no, no, no, no, no
This battle is not yours, the Lord is the only one who can fight it
He wants to use you as His vessel so be open to Him
This battle is not yours, it’s the Lord’s